Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Why I am Choosing to Study Abroad

Hey guys, I know it has been a long time since I have last posted! Whoops, the summer has just gotten away from me. I know I promised before but for sure this time the blog will be updated more frequently now! For the next few months, the blog will for the most part be travel and life update based because I AM STUDYING ABROAD (AH)! I have been given the opportunity of a lifetime to study abroad from the end of August until mid-December in Florence, Italy.

This next step is going to be one of the biggest leaps I have ever taken in my short life. While this is an exciting and nerve wracking time I cannot help but to elaborate on why I am choosing to study abroad. I for as long as I can remember have wanted to study abroad, I went to college visits and asked about their study abroad programs. My freshman year I went to my study abroad adviser and figured out that it was possible to go over to London any time after my freshman year.  I got very wrapped up in school, I found great friends, became very involved in the fashion program, and different groups on campus. I postponed the idea because I was comfortable at where I was at and wanted to really focus on my work and activities at school. 

It was not until the spring of this year (about a month before the study abroad deadline) that I decided to go. I was sitting in my room after a long day of classes before a late night meeting. I thought to myself I am in a great position why am I not taking advantage of the opportunity in front of me? I sent a very late email to my study abroad adviser in hopes that it was not too late. It was not and that is where the process began. 

I am taking advantage of this opportunity because there is no other time in my life where I am just going to be able to pick up everything and live in Europe for almost 4 months. Yes, I might be able to go for two weeks and explore and see as much as I can. I will never have the chance again to live as a local learn the city like I have D.C. ever again.  I realized that if I did not take advantage of this at 40 years old this could possibly be my biggest regret in life. I have nothing holding me back from this experience as I might have in the future, no full-time job, no kids, no guy, nothing so why would I not do this? This trip is completely one hundred percent for me, to learn, to grow, to explore.  I have never been as confident in a decision as I have with my decision to go abroad! I hope you all will continue with me during this journey!


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