Before every decision or big risk that I take I like to sit down and think how this decision will affect me. Studying abroad has been an experience I have been contemplating since a high school student. My high school teachers highly encouraged it and so did my parents. When the time came I made the decision that this is the best route for me to take for my education, for myself and for my future.
Education is something very important to me. I not only take school very seriously but enjoy going to class and sitting down to write a great paper. It is always a great feeling getting back a test or paper that you worked extremely hard on with a good grade on it. That fills me with great satisfaction. While in Italy I will be taking my normal course load of 5 classes. I will be filling my time with retail buying, a religion and a microeconomics class. One of the huge goals I have set for myself while studying abroad next semester is to immerse myself in as much as the culture as I can. Along with core classes I will be taking an Italian cooking class and an Italian language class. The thought of being able to come home and cook classic Italian dishes for my family over Christmas break is thrilling and exciting. The only class I am nervous for is my Italian class, I have a hard time learning new languages but I am hoping that being completely surrounded by the language will allow me to pick it up quicker and easier. I would love to be able to come home and be able to write and speak Italian.
While studying abroad education is not only taking place in the classroom setting. I am excited to learn outside of the classroom. I love art history, I have thought about minoring in Art History to become a museum curator but I decided it was not the right path for me. The entire city of Florence is the birth place of Renaissance art. While over there I am going to be able to witness art that I have studied. Art in Florence is not just in museums I hope to soak in the beautiful street art and architecture on my daily walks and while exploring. For my major, I am going to a great city filled with Italian fashion and the birthplace of many designer names. I cannot wait to peruse the Gucci museum and examine the details of archived pieces.
While much of this trip is going to be about my education and building an even stronger foundation for my future. Another huge part of this experience is self-growth. I believe that with any travel there is a huge window of self growth and self awareness. I will be flying abroad by myself, it is actually my first time out of the country. While the idea of flying by myself into a great land of unknown and adventure is one of the most exciting things I have ever done it is no less scary. Once I fly into Rome and then find myself in Florence, I will know that I can do great things and not only that I am completely capable of taking care of myself. I am a person that likes things done on time and in an organized manner; I have realized that this is not always going to be the case for me next semester. I would love to go next semester without any bumps in the road but I realize one hundred percent that that idea is not even close to reality. It is not even reality when I am at home or at school. I hope that this experience makes me realize that a small bump or hiccup could always be worse and that it eventually gets taken care of even if it's not right away.
As for my future, I guess that is unknown. I mean isn't everyone's future unknown. I think this experience will help me to learn to live in the moment rather than look towards the future. These next few months are going to be filled with learning, discovering, and uncovering. I cannot wait to bring you along with me.
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